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You are in Tennessee. Visit Georgia. Visit Alabama.

You are in Tennessee. Visit Georgia. Visit Alabama.

How Low Should I Turn My Thermostat in the Winter?

Our recommendation: When you head to work or vacation and want to lower your temperature setting, we would not recommend going below 50 degrees F.

This strikes a good balance between conserving energy while preventing problems such as:

  • Frozen indoor pipes
  • Damage from condensation on furnishings and electronics

Low indoor temperatures can freeze your indoor pipes

Frozen pipes can burst and flood your home, potentially causing severe water damage according to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety.

That’s why you don’t want to set your temperature setting too low or turn off your heat completely.

According to, “You don't want the temperature inside your house to drop too low, because bathroom and kitchen pipes are generally not insulated, and they rely on whatever system you're using to heat the rest of your house to keep warm.”

They continue on saying that southern homes have issues with frozen pipes when the temperature reaches about 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

Related article: Quick Tips to Keep Your Pipes from Freezing.

Condensation can hurt your furnishings and electronics

Setting the temperature too low in your home allows condensation to easily form.

And the last thing you want is water on wooden floors, furniture or expensive electronic equipment.

Learn more about condensation.

How to not come home to a winter wonderland

While setting the temperature at 50F works when you’re away, you probably don’t want to come home to an ice-cold building, right?

That’s why we recommend installing a programmable thermostat or a smart thermostat. Both allow you to keep temperatures low during the day, while coming home to a cozy, warmed home.

Want a new thermostat installed?

If you need a programmable thermostat or smart thermostat installed, and you live in the Atlanta, Georgia area, contact Coolray for help.

We can install it for you in a jiffy.

Coolray is your Atlanta-area home comfort expert with specialists in heating, air conditioning, air quality and plumbing. Have more questions? We’d be happy to help – just contact us online.

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