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Coolray offers a variety of Tempstar heat pumps to both heat and cool your home to keep you comfortable all year long. Our brief feature descriptions will help you identify the benefits of choosing a heat pump.

Tempstar Ion™ Series Heat Pump

Enjoy comfort without compromise, thanks to our variable-speed heat pump with SmartSenseTM technology. This whisper-quiet system efficiently adapts to changing conditions so you stay comfy with outstanding efficiency. Use it year-round in most climates with enhanced summer humidity control and warm winter heating even in colder temperatures. Or, combine it with a compatible gas furnace and thermostat to gain dual fuel heating efficiency in more extreme climates. You can also enjoy the convenience of remote access and the assurance of best levels of performance and comfort management when you pair it with a complete communicating system, including the energy-smart Ion™ System Control with Wi-Fi® capability.

  • Coolray's Parts & Labor Warranty
  • Enjoy cool, summer comfort with up to 19 SEER/13 EER efficiency
  • Take advantage of efficient electric heating well into the winter months with up to 11 HSPF efficiency
  • WiFi® enabled remote access with Ion™ System Control
  • 5 stages of variable-speed operation with longer, lower stage cycles to give you more energy savings and better  temperature management
  • Exceptionally quiet operation in low speeds down to 56 decibels
  • Uses non-ozone depleting refrigerant
  • Tempstar No Hassle Replacement™ Limited Warranty

Performance Series Heat Pump

This cost-efficient heat pump beats the summer heat and winter's icy chill with longer cooling and heating cycles. It keeps temperatures even throughout the house and summer humidity at a minimum. And when outdoor conditions are more extreme, it kicks into high gear to keep you cozy all year long. With up to 17.5 SEER cooling and up to 9.5 HSPF heating efficiency, it can put your electric bills on ice as well.

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